My Timeline
I’m going to use this as my transition timeline. I think people are interested to see how things are progressing.
I didn’t go through and pick out a bunch of pictures from before. I will do that later.

I did find this picture at my parents, and I thought it was representative of where I could have started if I had known that successfully transitioning was a possibility when I was a teenager.

I took this in the early morning hours on the day of my first therapist appointment. I had told no one that I was going to see a therapist.

Christmas Eve – My sister and I. Most everyone knows I’m trans, but I’m still presenting as male.

Just after christmas. Still not fully out to everyone. Not out to work at all.

The second dress I bought. The first one didn’t work out, but I still have this one and I wear it quite often. This was at Kohl’s, where I would sneak women’s clothes into the men’s dressing room.

I think this was a day or two before my first laser appointment.

Transgender dysphoria blues.

My first time “out” as me. Megan and I went to a pajama party at a friend’s. I didn’t own any pajamas, so I just bought a t-shirt and paired with leggings.

Valentine’s Day. Megan and I had a hotel room downtown with a indoor pool. I was considering that in a few months, I wouldn’t be able to swim topless in public anymore.

I’m not sure what’s going on here… but gives an idea of the progression.

Still no hormones. Still boy mode, but wearing more and more women’s clothing. No one suspects a thing.

Two nights before my follow-up with the endo. He and his fellow asserted that I was not fem enough at the first consult… so I went all out this time.

At the endo. My first time out of the house as myself. I went to the doctor, I went out to lunch, I went to the mall. I even braved a public women’s room for the first time. The woman is unleashed. Still no hormones.

Buy the ticket, take the ride. I finally have some kind of hormones! Low dose Estradiol. At this point, I’ve already double booked with a different endo, so I’m just biding my time.

I’m out at work! I’m still having to use my dead name, but I’m free there too!

Trying some new things.

My last time out as a man. Never again. This picture was the morning of. I had agreed with Megan that I would do one last set of family pictures as Sean. Of course, I had just had my brows waxed. As the parlance of time goes, they were on fleek. I looked ridiculous.

Painting Hunter’s room. I already feel softer in this picture.

Only 4 months after this journey began, I have my full HRT regimen. Estradiol, Spiro and Progesterone.

This was a picture I really liked. I ended up using it on my work ID. Now when I look at it, I can still see the rugged manliness. It’s softened, but still there.

Out and about. I’m now officially Addison at this point.

This is a terrible picture. I was trying to get a picture for my work ID. I only include it here to show the ladies that 1) Flash photography is the devil and 2) It shows the stumbling steps in any transition. (also, the MAC people gave me a really terrible color.)

My birthday! I’m 35. We had just come from a Funeral. So I guess that’s why I look so somber.

Just days after my own birthday, my second son arrived. Born 5/19, this is one of our first family pictures.

June – I ventured out on the boat in my bathing suit for the very first time. Terrifying and liberating at the same time.

Father’s Day! Or as my wife renamed it, Addy’s (sic) Day!

Another shot from Addy’s day. We had our first family pictures with the baby.

Sitting in the parking lot before group therapy.

July – At work. Wearing blue for the union!

Dunno what the occasion was.

Before work

August – Picketing for a fair contract!

At work, smiling for my friend Aly.

At work, again… I’m starting to see my mom in myself. I look more like her at my age. Today marks six months on hormones! I don’t think the first month of just estradiol did much, but hey… I’m happy with the progress. No makeup, no filter.

Taking a break from phone banking with my union.

In October of 2015, I was able to get my gender marker changed to F. This is a comparision between my old motorcycle permit and the new.

A selfie while having family pictures taken.

Finishing up Christmas shopping.

Working on the computer at home.

My first maxi-dress.

Who knows? I take most of my selfies in the car, apparently.

Forcing myself to smile at a memorial dinner for a friend lost to suicide. 🙁

Enjoying authentic Mai Tai’s in San Francisco, 2 days prior to GRS!

Less than 2 weeks post-op, celebrating my sister graduating from college.

Sitting at Waffle House, coming from one of many check-up visits with my doctor.

Laurel and I.

Taking a break from a class on “Right To Work” laws and Wealth Equality at the IBEW hall.

Rocking it at work.

You know what they say about a crazy woman and powertools!

Half watching football, half playing on the computer on a lazy Saturday.